Development and Commercial properties

20 years in the investment and development property market
We have built up a client base that is highly positioned in the market, with whom we work together on a regular basis. We have personal contacts with the vast majority of Hungarian market players, sellers and buyers alike.

We are the first contact point for many foreign investors as well as Hungarian investors who are just entering the domestic market.
We have sold a significant number of properties to Israeli, Irish, British, Spanish, Chinese, Arab and Turkish developers and investors.

We have a unique market knowledge and network of contacts in the development purpose land market.
We are proud to say that few experts in the market know more about property development than we do.

We have been involved in the sale of numerous B-rated office and industrial properties, retail space, hotels, corporate headquarters, other corporate sites and special institutional functions.
Through our network of contacts, we know almost instantly who the ideal buyer is for each property. Almost 80% of our transactions are carried out in this way, through direct offers, with advertising playing a secondary role only.
Sale of Bank-Owned Commercial Real Estate

Büszkén mondhatjuk, hogy kevés szakértő van a piacon, aki többet tud a fejlesztési ingatlanokról, mint mi.

A CIB-csoporthoz tartozó Recovery Zrt. cégünket bízta meg az első négy online ingatlan aukciójának kizárólagos ügynökségi feladataival, és az első jelentős ingatlancsomagok kizárólagos értékesítésében is együtt dolgoztunk.

2015-ben elnyertük a a CIB Recovery Zrt által kiírt “AZ ÉV ÜGYNÖKSÉGE” címet, és több más pénzintézet is hasonló elismeréssel nyugtázta az együttműködésünket.
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